We’re ready to go to work.
ESI understands the importance of clients developing work skills, earning a wage and growing in confidence and self-worth. Our job readiness programs train, coach and fully prepare them for internal and external job programs. This service gives them the tools to be successful on-the-job.
Getting a job and earning a wage are important goals for many individuals with a disability. ESI’s Work Readiness Training program focuses on:
- Exploring community employment opportunities
- Instruction in work tasks and basic work skills
- Soft skill training to help them succeed in the workplace
- Job coaching to help create a successful job match
- Hands-on work opportunities in an environment designed for all abilities
Put ESI to work!
ESI is especially designed and equipped for job training. Our 20,000 sqft production facility contracts with area businesses to provide value and service from our dedicated clients.This real-life employment gives clients a robust work experience to help them build many different skills for community work.Typically the jobs include light assembly, collating and packaging, janitorial, and sewing. Work skills necessary for the individuals employment in the community are achieved through this program.
ESI contract capabilities include:
- Packaging
- Assembly
- Light Manufacturing
- Warehousing
- Fulfillment

Contract with us!
A partnership between ESI and your company can be a fulfilling win/win solution.
Your company will receive quality work at a competitive price while helping to make a difference in the life of an individual by providing a source of work skills and training to foster and create independence and pride in a job well done.
The Algoma Mop Story
Algoma Mop Manufacturers started in 1926 and was purchased by ESI in 1981. Today Algoma Mop Manufacturers is an independent company selling high quality wet mops, dust mops, microfiber mops, and accessories to businesses. It provides a consistent source of employment opportunities for the individuals ESI serves and delivers an excellent product in quality and value. Our products are sold all over the world and our quality products drive repeat orders and job satisfaction for our clients.

Supported Employment Services
Community Employment Services assists a person in obtaining employment in a community work setting and is designed for individuals who may request long-term or short-term assistance and support to be successful at their job in the community. Supported employment can start with learning to build a resume, how to handle interviews, and experiencing work opportunities at a variety of employers. At ESI we want our clients and employers both to succeed. That’s why we coach our clients on communication and job expectations before and during employment. We also work with employers to help them understand our clients and act as a liaison should an issue arise and provide the support necessary for a successful job match.
ESI is a proud partner with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).
DVR is a federal/state program designed to obtain, maintain, and advance employment for people with disabilities by working with DVR consumers, Employers, and other partners. Contact us for more information.